Waterproof dry bag, a must have for camping, fishing, festivals, beaches, hiking, canoeing, backpacking etc. Keep your items inside perfect and dry.
Can store many things and keep them dry, such as clothing, maps, books, cameras, electrical equipment and other items.
Protect your items from dust, water, snow, rain, and all kinds of damage, just enjoy the outdoor life freely.
Ultra lightweight and super water resistance. Incredibly durable with lightweight material.
Easy to wash and durable to use. Buckle to make you feel secure, and make it convenient to open or close it.
Material: PVC.
Waterproof rating: IPX6.
2L single shoulder: 11.5 * 28cm
5L single shoulder: 19 * 40cm
10L single shoulder: 19 * 55cm
15L backpack: 23 * 57cm
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$15.99 Regular Price
$12.79Sale Price
Power Box Add-Ons
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